We partner with your organization to get a pulse check on your culture. We’ll uncover what’s working well, what could be better, and what your talent is craving. We dig deep to uncover themes at 3 levels (individual, team, and organization) and help you prioritize the initiatives that will have the biggest impact based on what your people say.


It’s important to note that the results of this assessment are just the beginning. 

The companies or departments that find the most value out of this assessment are: 

  • not interested in wasting time guessing what their people want;
  • need a clear picture of their “current state”
  • want to understand what initiatives should be considered, revisited, and prioritized to have the most immediate impact.

We do not measure you against other companies; we simply tell you what is based on what we see in the data. The only comparative data we offer is a pre-and post-assessment based on your company’s survey results, should you choose to re-run the assessment again at a later date.


Our ME-WE-US framework is simple yet fundamental to all of our offerings: we believe you can only lead others if you know how to lead yourself.

Our baseline culture diagnostic has 3 levels that all are asked to assess — the self (ME), the team (WE), and the company (US). At a high level, they explore the following:

  • ME: the opportunities for professional development; 
  • WE: the direct manager and team dynamic; 
  • US: the overall culture and directional alignment. 

This allows us to effectively assess – at each level – where there might be gaps, challenges, and the greatest areas for opportunity by each cut.

Each assessment is tailored to fit the organization’s needs, with customizable scale and open-ended questions. 

At a minimum, a quantitative survey (assessment) is done; depending on the organization’s needs, a qualitative component may be recommended for an additional cost.