Really investing in Professional Development starts about… 10-years too late at most companies.

We’ve developed thorough programs to bring critical skills to your talent earlier in their career.

There's a fundamental disconnect in most companies...

Thorough and consistent leadership development programs begins at the very top in most companies – usually at the director level and above.

But most talent earlier in their careers are stating lack of career development and advancement opportunities as their #1 reason for leaving companies (yes, even above pay – see below for research).

So we’ve developed courses to bridge that gap and keep your earliest talent — the ones closest to your customer, who turnover the most often — at your company for longer.


From 'Yes' to Success:
Taking the Guesswork Out of Being Green

For: Your “greener” employees, entry-level talent, or anyone in the workforce for less than 5 years.

When: Following the completion of your company & department on-boarding. After your employees learn about your tools, products, and processes.

Why: Understanding how your younger talent fits into the bigger picture sets them up for critical thinking even earlier. We provide the skills, tools, and context to help make the transition smoother.

Learn more about the course here.

Leading for Leverage:
Transitioning to The Effective Leader

For: Your recently promoted first-time manager, or anyone needing a brush-up on leadership skills.

When: As soon as possible following a title change. You want your managers to have the skills needed to lead others immediately.

Why: This is one of the hardest transitions in the workforce. Creating shared language and norms for what good leadership looks like eliminates a lot of new-manager and new-team anxiety.

While both courses are purposely structured, they are specifically designed to be tailored to your company’s needs and culture. We partner with you & your team to fill in 20% of the content through speakers, industry specific content, relevant case-studies and more.


We believe that in order to effectively lead at scale and influence others, you need to first know how to lead yourself. This means understanding things like:
  • “How does my communication and behavior impact others?”
  • “How do I communicate effectively up and down the organizations?”
  • “How do I contribute to the culture at large?”
Both courses are intentionally designed with this framework in mind. The content is specifically created to increase self-awareness, understand influence and learn how to drive change regardless of your title.


McKinsey Research, 2022

Results WE've Helped Create

"The first-time manager course provided a great overview of leadership principles to work in modern and successful organizations and the time and space to consider how you can approach day-to-day processes that result in a more positive impact."
10-session Management Skill-Building
"I felt a deeper connection to my peers and I left with digestible knowledge of common and impactful issues we all face. My peers and I were excited to get to know one another as we felt freedom and acceptance to be vulnerable in the space created."
Team Workshop
"Assessing our culture with the provided framework took the guesswork out of our retention strategy. It gave us a baseline understanding, identified key issues, and helped us to prioritize our initiatives based on what our talent is really needing at this time."
Culture Assessment
"The techniques provided - for example how to create a safe environment and delegate - have been really impactful because of my current situation, where I need to train a new colleague."
10-session Management Skill-Building
"Had a great time participating in the workshop activities. They made me feel close to my team again after a crazy year apart. I look forward to you coming back and teaching our team again!"
Team Workshop
"Our sessions were something I looked forward to most, as Shereen had the ability to take my dialogue and filter it down and make me realize, that I actually already had the answers, I just needed someone to help me unpack them. She truly has changed the way I think of myself as a leader and has given me the tools to help me continue to grow."
Senior Director
Coaching Client, Shereen
"I really enjoyed working with people I have not before. It's been really inspiring hearing others' thoughts on topics discussed, which makes you think about aspects that most of the time are underestimated or not considered at all."
10-session Management Skill-Building
After the workshop, I felt a deeper connection to my peers and had digestible knowledge of common and impactful issues we all face. My peers and I were excited to get to know one another as we felt freedom and acceptance to be vulnerable in the space created.
Team Workshops
Our team truly enjoyed the coaching we received. The faciltiators were kind and engaging, and the vulnerability exercise opened up helpful conversations that have continued.
Team Workshops